Mr. Reingold graduated from college in 2022

Some people know me as a singer, some as a bicycle mechanic, and some as a programmer or Information Technology specialist. I have been all these things professionally, and teaching is now my fourth career. I studied Computer Science in my second stint as a college student many years ago. (I spent my first stint preparing for a professional singing career.) My IT career started taking off while I was still taking classes, and it was going so well that I didn't finish my degree.

To work as a teacher, I need a bachelor's degree (in anything), and then I'll soon need a master's degree in Education. So I returned to Hunter College in 2019, and it seemed as if I was doing it to "screw the cap" onto my IT career just as much as to build a new career.

Here is President Jennifer Raab of Hunter College acknowledging my unusual story. She did the same for many of us graduates at the commencement ceremony on June 10, 2022. We all had stories of accomplishments, hardships, and strange paths. This is the CUNY experience, a place that lifts more people from poverty into the middle class than any other university.

I thank my beloved spouse and other family members and friends for their support. I had many difficulties and doubts getting through this degree, and you encouraged and advised me in many valuable ways.


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