Bittersweet subway commute
Commuting to my job as a teacher's assistant in a 4th grade English
classroom. I got a seat, and the man across from me in the subway car
looked at me directly. His face looked threatening. Such is life in the
City. Of course, I didn't engage in eye contact. Later I saw that I had
misjudged: his face was a face of pain. He cried out asking if anyone
could help him with some money. When I hand over cash on the subway, I
prefer to do it when I or the person is leaving. The woman to my right
was leaving and gave him a dollar, so I leaned over and gave him a bit,
too. I saw his face was full of pain. He soon got off. I pulled a
textbook (for one of my courses) out of my bag, titled The Social
Studies Teacher's Toolbox. The woman to my left said, "Oh, you're a
social studies teacher? I thought you look like a Science Teacher." The “teacher look” comes from wearing a tie, and I was the only tie-wearer in the train car. I
laughed and told her I'm in school to be a teacher, a special ed
teacher, a subject generalist so that I'll be OK at all of the subjects.
She told me she's getting her GED, and I said that's fantastic. I asked
her what she was planning, and she said she hopes to go to City Tech,
one of the CUNY colleges. Ultimately, she wants to be a drug addiction
counselor! I told her I'm at Hunter College, also one of the CUNY
colleges. She said she's open to changes in plans, such as going to
BMCC, yet another one college of CUNY. Following unexpected twists and
turns with an open mind has certainly been my story.
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